Hey, You Weary Ones? Savour A Slower Christmas

Edition #45

"Write Your Life Forward" Christmas Edition!

Are you here for the first time? Come in, Friend! We are a community seeking change, breaking free from what's holding us back, and rewriting our lives forward. We do this by studying our life story in the light of God's love story. A change in narrative and a shift in perspective can go a long and beautiful way. Welcome to our Christmas edition!

Savouring Christmas

Advent — beginning on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and leading up to Christmas Eve— is a season of waiting, hope and joy. It’s a time to unwrap the mystery of a Gift: a love that offers us redemption and renewal.

Advent invites us to discover the joy that springs from a love that never runs out, a hope that holds steady and a future without end --- even when everything else around us falters.

Christmas, of course, carries its own magic, and I often find myself telling the kids: Christmas isn't about the gifts; it's about the One Gift! There’s a miracle unfolding if we slow down enough to notice, an overflow of life if we only care to focus.

Amid the busyness of the season and the rush of commercialisation, Advent calls us to pause, to take a breath, and to learn the art of simply waiting.

Christmas is about receiving this one true Gift amidst the noise and distractions of our lives. It takes eyes and hearts attuned to savour this one precious gift.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote 'If we are impatient, always rushing to the next thing, we fail to embrace the blessedness of ‘hopefully doing without,’ and we’ll never experience the full blessing of fulfillment.

This is my challenge for the season: can I slow myself down enough just to be with Christ?

It Wasn't Ordinary!

Apparently, when the Saviour was born, there were no ticker tapes, bows, or balloons.

Instead what we see instead is a handful of humble shepherds in the dusty chaos of Bethlehem.

The day God entered our common world was the most ordinary of days—an unremarkable sky, a plain moment, a time witnessed merely by a group of stinky, smelly shepherds.

And there, in the back of a simple stable, a young woman hunched over in the agony of miraculous birth.

The Creator came as creation—right into the mire and muck of our world.

There were no grand parades, no heralding cries announcing His arrival. But still, the greatest story was unfolding. The most revolutionary love was unfurling—a love so profound it can transform your life story and mine.

It’s easy to lose the wonder of Christmas when our hearts wander from the story of Christ, from the love of Christ.

More than the whirlwind of activities, the shimmer and glimmer of gifts, or the adrenaline rush of donning our trees and decking our homes, He offers something far greater: rest for our weary hearts and the chance to make all things new.

Will we pause, and simply sit with Him?

Rethinking Our Story Through the Christmas Story

Christmas isn’t always easy for everyone. Emotions can run wild, loneliness can crash over us like a tidal wave, and we often find ourselves stretched thin — wrapping gifts we’ve paid dearly for. It’s no wonder the magic of Christmas fades so quickly when we’re rushing to deck the halls and decorate the tree, yet forget the true Gift at the heart of it all.

We invite you, friend, to pause and hear the story of Christmas—what it means for you, and how it can transform your life. Together, let’s trace the timeline, the storyline, and the lineage of Christ, discovering how His love can shape your story too.

Sometimes, the holiday season is hard to face. It can stir up raw, honest feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and exhaustion. But this year, we invite you to experience Christmas differently.

So, let's hush the hurrying, quieten your heart and take time to rediscover the wonder of Christmas.

Gather the Kids

I don’t know about you, but I find it increasingly challenging to get the kids together as they grow up. They’re quicker on the internet than I am, our schedules often clash, and their commitments seem to pull them in every direction. Yet, there’s something about coming together for the tradition of Advent that weaves our hearts into a beautiful knot of love and connection.

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Enjoy the Christmas story in a nutshell

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Nothing beats singing along with your kids

Let's Pray

"Father, help me to step away from busyness and slow down enough to simply be. Remind me that Christmas isn’t about perfection—perfect plans, perfect celebrations, or perfect parties. It’s about celebrating You, the God who came in the fullness of time to save me because of Your boundless love. Help me to savour a slower, more meaningful Christmas this year. In doing so, may my heart and my children’s hearts be trained to cherish Christ, our greatest gift."

May you have a lovely weekend,

xx Liza

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Our community exists to encourage, equip, and empower you to live your best life forward by helping you write your life story in the light of God's story. Come join us as we sprinkle in plenty of laughter along the way too!

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